Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lumea lui Radu PiticiGratis

Cineva mi-a atras atentia asupra articolelor lui Radu PiticiGratis. Am citit ce mi-a recomandat el, si-apoi am dat peste Gynecoland. M-a lovit o epifanie de revelatie care este.

vaginas by luigi marchione Luati de cetiti:

via Pitici Gratis by Radu on 1/19/10

Am văzut o maşină pe care scria Gynecoland. Probabil vreo clinică de ginecologie. Dar nu e relevant ce înseamnă gynecoland. Relevant e ce înseamnă pentru mine gynecoland. Ce văd eu a fi cu ochii minţii gynecoland!

Şi pentru mine ar fi un tărâm magic. Un tărâm magic unde toată lumea ar avea pizdă. Şi toată lumea ar scobi în pizdă pe toată lumea! Astfel nu ar mai exista boli ale pizdei gen cancer de pizdă sau miros naşpa al pizdei pentru că toate bolile ar fi depistate la timp şi ar fi tratate la timp! Singura boală de pizdă existentă ar fi iritaţia de pizdă.

wall of vaginas Pentru că toată lumea s-ar scobi mult prea mult în pizdă. Şi de aceea ar exista magazine de cremă mentolată, cu camfor care ar fi dese, cam cum sunt băncile şi farmaciile acum. Şi pizda ar avea şi ea mode. Un an s-ar purta labiile mari, un an labiile mici. Un an cu cărare pe mijloc, alt an într-o parte.

Rolling on the floor

Ce reiese de-aici? But it’s obvious!


Nirvana lu’ Radu e maternitatea.


De unde pana unde? Pai, probabil, s-a tot injurat cu diversi, si-a castigat, dar in subconstient i-a ramas intiparita dorinta de a se reintoarce in placenta originara.

Desigur, aceasta este numai o ipoteza. Habar n-am cum s-o testez.

Oricum, de Radu ma leaga tot o chizda, probabil una din cele de mai sus. Alta data.

Sources / More info: Gynecoland, yt-maternity-ward

LE: adaugat tag-uri la sugestia unui cititor anonim.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The human-faced lamb and bestiality

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She killed BF by sitting on him

Only in America.. This obese woman sat on her 120 lbs boyfriend during an argument, killing him.

Mia Landingham Only a few months ago we were decrying the disastrous state of north-americans’ gut. This Cleveland woman got only 3 year probation for killing his much thinner boyfriend, also the father of her children.

Police said Mia Landingham and Mikal Middleston-Bey, who have three children together, got into an argument in August. During the altercation Landingham sat on Middleston-Bey.

Landingham pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Her attorney told said there was a long history of domestic abuse in the relationship. He asked the judge for leniency and pointed out she has no prior criminal record.

Landingham she was sorry for squashing the father of her children.

"I just want to say that I am sincerely sorry about this situation. I wish I could take it back,” she said.

Landingham was sentenced to three years probation and 100 hours community service. She was immediately released from jail.

The victim’s family said they were surprised that she got no additional jail time.

"So basically you can say that I can go sit on somebody and get probation? I feel there wasn't no justice. My brother's gone and all she gets is three years probation," the victim’s brother said.

Sources / More info: dmail, fox, yt-killer-woman

More videos of female domestic violence:

yt-wbm by Philgood37


yt-Female Domestic Violence by vaderkenniscentrum

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Johnny Depp will never die

Recently voted the world's most stylish man and with numerous other awards under his belt, the rumour has it that Johnny Depp was recently involved in a car crash. As our "designated rebel", the connection to James Dean and his tragic end seemed too attractive for the rumour mill.

Johnny DeppSo Johnny Depp on GQ cover if the rumour is not true, who would start it and why?

As it turns out, the February issue of GQ hits the stands on January 26, and sales may have been lacklustre in the recession. The press needs money to stay afloat, and just like Presidents’ approval ratings soar when they declare war or bomb some hapless country, so do sales of magazines explode when the cover-person was just involved in a controversy.

Killing your main man is a bit extreme, but is still better than dying of hunger..

Here’s what Times Live had to say:

Search engines have registered over 13million searches on this issue with reporting that Depp’s car was found wrecked “along side a road outside Bordeaux, France, with the guard rail embedded deep inside the car and police have pulled out the body of the former actor, Depp.”

In the story titled Johnny Depp dies after fatal car crash, CNN claim that the Depp was discovered by a tourist who was driving on the same road when he spotted the wrecked car that was allegedly lying amongst liquor bottles. He then contacted the police who rushed to the scene of the accident to find Depp in the car.

Johnny Depp as John Dillinger in Public Enemy (2009), directed by Michael Mann.

“The police suspect that alcohol was the cause of the accident,” CNN wrote.

But according to Associated Press writer Ryan Christopher DeVault these rumours could be false because Depp’s camp haven’t confirmed the allegations.

“As far as we know, Johnny Depp is doing just fine, and has not been in any type of car crash. At this time we feel it is pretty safe to say that Johnny Depp is doing fine right now, and probably getting ready to get back into character for Pirates of the Caribbean 4,” he wrote.

The “story” appeared on a fake CNN site hosted on free hosting – Angelfire:

fake CNN news

SFGate writes:

This is a terrible hoax on Johnny Depp and CNN. Johnny Depp was very much alive and about to film Pirates of The Caribbean Dead Man's Chest, which was released in 2006. Angelfire is a web hosting service. It's hard to tell just who made the fake CNN page, which is so detailed that if you click on the CNN logo, it takes you to the CNN home page, just as a regular CNN webpage would do. (..)

Regardless, Crispin Glover reportedly ended the talk by calling Johnny Depp via cell. Depp responded: Nope. In France, according to NBC Chicago's Courtney Hazlett, who issued the news last Monday.

Buying the magazine, when it comes out, will not confirm or infirm rumours. But your curiosity, awakened the day before, will be satisfied. ThinkingDohSighHee hee

Sources / More info: twitter-depp, wiki-depp, gq-most-stylish, people-depp, sf-no, time-not-dead, angelfire-fake-CNN, Glover-interview, nbc-courtney, yt-depp

Friday, January 22, 2010

VIDEO: Urban ski Bucharest

Bucharest, Romania is not known as a major ski destination. But is home to some major nuts..

As the eyes of the world are on Vancouver and the Winter Olympics, Bucharest is enjoying its amazing lack of snow-removal.

The city dwellers are enjoying snow as much as they can, because in the summer, the streets belong to “Tarzan at the wheel” (see below).

Lake Placid

Sources / More info: yt-urban-ski, yt-tarzan

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ricky Gervais hosted Golden Globes in 2010

His brand of "uncensored" humour did not warm too many hearts. He hopes it will at least result in sales of his new DVD.

Ricky Gervais @ Golden Globes 2010 Though reportedly the producers wanted him to pass on about 5 of his jokes, he kept it real.

Irreverent Gervais sipped on a glass of beer during the show at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, quipping at one point: 'I like a drink as much as the next man... unless the next man is Mel Gibson.'

As Gibson - who was convicted of drink driving in 2006 - walked on to present the Best Director gong, he pretended to slur his words.

Few were spared a lashing by Gervais, who at one point said: 'Just looking at all the faces here reminds me of the great work that's been done this year... by cosmetic surgeons. You all look great.

At that punchline, the camera quickly cut away from Meryl Streep, instead opting for a long shot of the crowd.

'It is an honour to be here in a room full of what I consider to be the most important people on the planet: actors.

'They're just better than ordinary people, aren't they?

Lampooned: Gervais took a swipe at Sir Paul McCartney over his costly divorce from Heather Mills

He said: 'Actors aren't just loved here in Hollywood, they're loved the world over because they're recognisable. You can be in the Third World and you get a glimpse of a Hollywood star and it makes you feel better.

'You can be a little child, a little Asian child, with no possessions, no money - but you see a picture of Angelina Jolie and you think, 'Mummy!'

Jolie and husband Brad Pitt skipped the event, but the star-studded audience, including Robert De Niro, Cameron Diaz and Matt Damon seemed to be enjoying his brand of humour.

I happen to think his performance may have been better received had he not peddled his own wares.

The Winners:

Best Actress in a Motion Picture (Comedy or Musical) - Meryl Streep for Julie & Julia

Best Actor in a Motion Picture (Comedy or Musical) - Robert Downey Jnr for Sherlock Holmes

Best Actress in a Motion Picture (Drama) - Sandra Bullock for The Blind Side

Best Actor in a Motion Picture (Drama) - Jeff Bridges for Crazy Heart

Best Supporting Actress - Mo'nique for Precious

Best Supporting Actor - Christoph Waltz for Inglourious Basterds

Best Director - James Cameron for Avatar

Cecile B DeMille award for lifetime achievement - Martin Scorsese

Best Motion Picture (Comedy or Musical) - The Hangover

Best Motion Picture (Drama) - Avatar

Best Animated Film - Up

Best Screenplay - Jason Reitman for Up In The Air

Best Actress in a Mini-Series made for Television - Drew Barrymore for Grey Gardens

Best Actor in a Mini-Series made for Television - Kevin Bacon for Taking a Chance

Best Actress in a TV Show (Musical or Comedy) - Toni Collette for United States of Tara

Best Actor in a TV Show (Musical or Comedy) - Alec Baldwin for 30 Rock

Best Actor in a TV Show (Drama) - Michael C Hall for Dexter

Best Actress in a TV Show (Drama) - Julianna Marguiles for The Good Wife

Best Supporting Actor in a TV Mini Series- John Lithgow for Dexter

Best Supporting Actress in a TV Mini Series -Chloe Sevigny for Big Love

Best TV series (Drama) - Mad Men

Best TV series (Comedy or Musical)  - Glee

Best TV Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made For Television: Grey Gardens

Best Song -The Weary Kind from Crazy Heart

Best Original Score - Up

Best Foreign Film - The White Ribbon

Sources / More info: dailymail-ricky

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cheesy stills I: Cristina Seifert & others

Un articol al piticului lefter mi-a deschis ochii mintii asupra unui fenomen remarcat si in trecut dar putin comentat: exista o categorie de oameni, indeosebi fomei, care apar intotdeauna in poze in aceeasi ipostaza.

Putin T-shirt Desigur, exista anumite chipuri, anumite poze, care nu sunt recunoscuti decat in masura in care sunt identici cu imaginea noastra despre ei, si nu ma refer numai la Che Guevara.

In poza alaturata puteti observa cat de mari sunt ochii lui Putin – eu unul am fost surprins!

In articolul sau seminal (cum de altfel sunt cam toate articolele sale, daca stau sa ma gandesc bine), Radu ne spune povestea unei nefericite. Zice:

O cheamă Cristina Szeifert şi e psiholoagă/manager de salon de feşhăn prin satul Timişoara. S-ar putea să facă parte şi din X-men, pentru că are o superputere. Superputerea de a avea exact aceeaşi meclă în toate pozele. Ochii la fel de bulbucaţi a uimire, buza de sus ţuguiată şi capul întors în acelaşi unghi cu o precizie inumană. Şi vorbind de inuman. Eu nu aş putea fute aşa ceva. Şi nici pe prietenele ei din poze. Toate arată mai fals şi mai puţin uman decât un realdoll. În special aia cu dejte de mutant. Cine sunt oamenii ăştia? Unde trăiesc? Cu cine? De ce? (..)

Astea sunt varianta feminina a culturistilor.

Apoi baga urmatorul album de poze:

Radu are multe comentarii, majoritatea tampite, dar unele care merita recitite.

8:10 pm on January 5th, 2010

probabil pe ailaltă parte are obrazul străveziu de la atâta frecare.

8:25 pm on January 5th, 2010

Le-ai da limbi in cur, nu le-ai fute…
Oare ti-ai pus macar un moment intrebarea daca ele s-ar fute cu tine?!?!
Aia arata asa fals pentru ca asta se cauta in domeniul in care lucreaza si probabil ca nu da doi bani pe parerea ta, la fel ca noi ceilalti…
Tu probabil ai fute pitipoancele alea oparite de apar zilnic pe

Mars la cacat!

8:31 pm on January 5th, 2010

claudiu, singuru robot pe care l-as fute e ma-ta.

divinorum expecto patronum
8:43 pm on January 5th, 2010

e truc femeiesc coaie!
mi-a zis o tipa ca face poze mereu cu aceeasi pozitie a capului ca cica o avantajeaza, si are dreptate, ca in realitate mi-e frica sa o vad

Bad Pitzi
9:33 pm on January 5th, 2010

Majoritatea femeilor complexate (scuzoaie pentru pleonasm) își studiază fața în poze și ajung la concluzia că le avantajează o singură poziție (maxim 2), apoi o aplică ovăr end ovăr, până crapă ovarele-n ele. Asta o să dea indicații să fie așezată așa și în coșciug.

9:40 pm on January 5th, 2010

Life in plastic, is fantastic!!!Bleah!!!Dezgustatoare creaturi!! Si nu, nu sunt ofticata ca nu arat ca ele!!!

cocalar fruntas
9:50 pm on January 5th, 2010

si-a lungit degetele in detrimentul tatei aleia cu mecla standard
9:51 pm on January 5th, 2010

Mai am eu una:
10:01 pm on January 5th, 2010

E psiholoagă, interesant. Mi-ar plăcea să stau de vorbă cu ea. Să imi povestească de ce Marilyn Manson vedea un astronaut mort in spaţiu în “Dissociative”. Mereu am fost obsedată de faza asta şi am aşteptat fata deşteaptă care să mă lămurească.
10:14 pm on January 5th, 2010

b0$$ daca vrea si cere pula dai pula atata timp cat arata la fel de machiata cand o penetrezi la cret si nu i se schimba boobji cand scoate sutienu e bine poate sa tina si capu asa stramb ca nu te intereseaza .
10:30 pm on January 5th, 2010

Asa am avut si io pozitia capului timp de vreo doua zile dupa ce mi’am dat bagaju’ jos din tren de aveam o viziune noua si spectaculoasa asupra vietii.
Da’ la tanti asta nonmiscarea e lucratura. Cam ca la Bula cu surubu’ din buric. Adica dupa ce si’a pus silicoane in tate, acid hilauronic in buze, s’a vopsit pe par si trup, si’a tatuat oleaca sprancenele, da’ numa oleaca, si’a pus una bucata pereche gene false si o alta bucata pereche lentile contact de contrast a zis ca parca tot lipseste ceva.
Asa ca io’s de parere ca si’a varat o umbrela dintr’aia de lord englez cu imprimeu in carouri din anus, prin sternocleidomastoidian pana hăt! spre tampla dreapta. Probabil ca daca o gadili suficient de intens prin zona lobului temporal de pe partea cu pricina, cam pe unde aproximez io exact ca ar trebui sa fie declansatoru’, poate lua subit forma unei pagode.
10:33 pm on January 5th, 2010

mai du-te-n pula mea ca prea faci multe figuri.mai bine ti-ai vedea de exercitiile tale de imaginatie, ca de asta te pupam in pula, nu pt figuri din astea rasuflate
10:38 pm on January 5th, 2010

eu le-as fute pe toate trei. de mai multe ori. plm.
10:45 pm on January 5th, 2010

la wtf, te refereai ca arata pace, ca o hipioata, sau ca are un inel ciudat?

Pilat D'Amai-Bini Pilung
10:52 pm on January 5th, 2010

Eu m-am plictisit de mult de uratele boite care apar peste tot in mass-media, si la noi si in lumea larga. Nu ca-s proaste, nu ca-s boite, doar ca-s urate. Adica nu ca nu-s frumoase, ele, vedetele si candidatele, chiar ca-s urate. Si nu urate asa numa-ntr-o doara, intr-o parte, ci chiar pe toate partile, oricum s-ar suci si s-ar intoarce.

PAGODA mamii lor de stoarfe, care nu se multumesc cu averile golanilor de pretutindeni. Nuuuu. Ele au o satisfactie suprema: sa nenoroceasca barbati bogati si relativ(!) normali la cap, profitand de slabicunile lor, pe care le studiaza profesionist. Iar unor pula-blonde d-astea nu le ajunge numai atat, mai fac si copii pe care-i nenorocesc, tot asa, pe orice parte s-ar intoarce ele, in poze si in realitate.

11:09 pm on January 5th, 2010

Bah mi-ar trebui tatele ei, chit ca-s implanturi. Is faine.

Pilat D'Amai-Bini Pilung
10:52 pm on January 5th, 2010

Eu m-am plictisit de mult de uratele boite care apar peste tot in mass-media, si la noi si in lumea larga. Nu ca-s proaste, nu ca-s boite, doar ca-s urate. Adica nu ca nu-s frumoase, ele, vedetele si candidatele, chiar ca-s urate. Si nu urate asa numa-ntr-o doara, intr-o parte, ci chiar pe toate partile, oricum s-ar suci si s-ar intoarce.

PAGODA mamii lor de stoarfe, care nu se multumesc cu averile golanilor de pretutindeni. Nuuuu. Ele au o satisfactie suprema: sa nenoroceasca barbati bogati si relativ(!) normali la cap, profitand de slabicunile lor, pe care le studiaza profesionist. Iar unor pula-blonde d-astea nu le ajunge numai atat, mai fac si copii pe care-i nenorocesc, tot asa, pe orice parte s-ar intoarce ele, in poze si in realitate.
11:08 pm on January 5th, 2010

Ba ce curu meu se tot foloseste cuvantul “scuzoaie”. ma irota deja, peste tot il vad.
11:09 pm on January 5th, 2010

Bah mi-ar trebui tatele ei, chit ca-s implanturi. Is faine.

Porcuşorul Radioactiv
11:57 pm on January 5th, 2010

Nu te-ai gandit ca o fi dormit fata rau si a ramas cu gatul stramb pe veci in pozitia aia?

12:56 am on January 6th, 2010

ciudatu ala din spate seamana cu ojica loteristu. in cazul asta ne cam lamurim prin ce medii elitiste se invarte fetele
Pilat D'Amai-Bini Pilung
1:33 am on January 6th, 2010

@blog vedete
Nu stiu cacare trasaturi sunt frumoase, dar urata asta are sanse mari sa ajunga vedeta, daca stie pe cine sa traga in interiorul ei mai atractiv ca exteriorul. Ca sa capeti o pozitie (de vedeta) trebuie sa arati ca stii sa ti-o pastrezi, nu? In orice situatie, aceeasi pozitie.

1:39 am on January 6th, 2010

isi revine daca-i futzi o halba de bere in numele tatalui. ce poate fi mai romantic de atata, e doar un preludiu !
altfel nici io n-as futeo ca am impresia ca se uita asa numai ca sa vada daca m-am prins ca sa cacat pe ea…
2:35 am on January 6th, 2010

sau sta cu capul asa, ca nu cumva daca-l intoarce, sa vedem ca mai are un ochi inspre ureche.
… sau doi! sau 3, unu dupa ureche. unu in ureche
2:39 am on January 6th, 2010

Bah ce atatea comentarii seci? Ca nu le-as fute, ca nu frate, ca ce plm, ca pitipoance, ca plm. Fratilor, femeia nu sugereaza altceva decat ca vrea pula grav. Si nu e nimic rau in asta, stie ea ca o data cu pula vine la un moment dat si profit. A, o ardem analitic si spunem ca e o pitipoanca plastifiata, dar nu mai mancati cacat, ca am fute-o toti ca masinile de cusut. Sho p ea, sa-i sara flocii trasi in rimel pana pe lustra.

4:18 am on January 6th, 2010

slab rau ca in loc sa-si cultive neuronu’, adopta tactici din astea din regnu animal

4:29 am on January 6th, 2010

Nu am vazuto niciodata in oras…dar eu as futeo :) Jumatate din astia care zic ca nu ar futeo habar nu au cum e sa aiba in fatza o pizda de asta (nici eu aproape ca nu am da zis aproape:) )Oricum nu se fute cu sobolani care stau la ora asta pe net asa ca toata lumea la gara
5:01 am on January 6th, 2010

ce fut io arata si mai bine si e si mai umane. si probabil si mai destepte, ca’ nu cred ca e rigida doar fizic asta.

5:43 am on January 6th, 2010

@ blog vedete
eu cred ca e deja (pseudo)vedeta

[link fhm, vezi surse]

si daca cititi pe a 2-a pagina veti observa ca este perfect constienta de faptul ca frumusetea este trecatoare, motiv pentru care prefera sa-si exploateze inteligenta.
Pilat D'Amai-Bini Pilung
6:11 am on January 6th, 2010

Da, da, sa-si expulateze inteligenta, cum zici matale, boierule. Faptul ca oamenii destepti se folosesc si de tot soiul de smecherii nu inseamna in nici un caz ca smecherasii, banditii si borfetele, care folosesc si ei smecherii oarecum asemanatoare, au ceva bun in cap. Crede-ma, e numai gunoi. Am scris mai sus ca junica din poze e din categoria proaste cu pretentii, periculoase la prima atingere si chiar fara.
porcusoru isteric
7:58 am on January 6th, 2010

ce cacat va plangti atat …?
95% din crema hi5-ului asa arata. la fel. identic.
plastic, plastic, plastic …
aveti grija cand futeti la ele …. frecarea sa apara cat mai putin … ca altfel riscati sa va ia foc pizda-n pula!

9:28 am on January 6th, 2010

I’d hit that. With a sledgehammer.
9:42 am on January 6th, 2010

pai ba ! normal ca moldoveanu asta de radu nu ar fute la asta . voi ati vazut ce e vara pe faleza in galati? umbla pasaricile in stoluri cate 3-4 de manuta dupa pula… si nu , nu merita pula asta .
10:36 am on January 6th, 2010

Deci Cristina, vreau să fim prietene. Am putea locui cu chirie in Militari, intr-un apartament insalubru, ca şi sufletele noastre. Eu m-aş chinui să ajung scriitoare, tu te-ai chinui să fii model internaţional. Ce frumoasă ar fi viaţa noastră. Ne-am injecta colagen in buze toată ziua. Io te-aş injecta pe tine, tu m-ai injecta pe mine. Viaţa noastră ar fi un continuu trip cu colagen. Amanda Lepore ar fi sugar mama noastră.
11:34 am on January 6th, 2010

Ciudat animal, intepenit.
Nu stiu de ce se agita astia, ca aia oricum nu se fute. Ea e bibelou, cum ar veni sa ii ciufulesti tu parul intr-un moment hormonal sa o privesti din stanga :-o…..
Oare ce ar iesi din Hrusca si asta?

12:26 pm on January 6th, 2010

asta nu-i aia de-i trage dildou’ prin cur lu’ botezatu?
12:31 pm on January 6th, 2010

multa ipocrizie.destui din cei de aici nici macar nu s-au aflat si nu o sa se afle macar in preajma uneia ca ea. si toti i-ar trage-o! fara exceptii! ce ,scula voastra cand e in actiune scaneaza cerebelul respectivei pentru a detecta gradul de inteligenta sau cultura,sau face analiza biometrica a organismului pentru a detecta adaugirile plasticoase sau de alta natura?!! :)))))adevarul e ca sunt acrii strugurii:)))

Pilat D'Amaia-Bini Pilung
1:08 pm on January 6th, 2010


Eu nu folosesc niciodata identitati multiple. Nu stiu despre ce scrii tu acolo si nici nu ma intereseaza. Daca preiau de undeva o idee, indic sursa. Nu am nici o legatura cu Anon sau mai stiu eu ce asemanari iti trec tie prin cap. Daca vrei sa continuam discutia, scrie-mi pe Altfel, pas.
Pilat D'Amai-Bini Pilung
1:10 pm on January 6th, 2010

Scuzati, m-am semnat grsit mai sus, de draci.
1:12 pm on January 6th, 2010

eu cred ca e statuie, sau ceva din o muta prietenii ca pe piticul din Amelie, ca sa aiba impresia ca s’a plimbat si ea..

2:37 pm on January 6th, 2010

Eu nu intelg asta cu are trasaturi frumoase…cum pula calului vezi tu trasaturile sub tot circul ala de fata??? si ce relevanta are faptul ca are trasaturi frumoase? ca nu e aci’ pa’ sait la concurs de miss. E aici pentru ca e un alien de plastic care sta in aceeasi pozitie in poze facute in ani diferiti. Da’ poate am eu o zi mai inceata.

3:02 pm on January 6th, 2010

adevaru` e ca toti de aici i`ati strica putin mersu…botu il are deja, ai impresia ca fluiera, cred ca si genunchii ii are rosi ca doar n`o lasa ala cu ferrari`u sa faca poza moca.
3:03 pm on January 6th, 2010

hai ca nu e chiar asa de plastic. io as fute-o si creca mi-ar face si placere. i-as da la buza aia mai ales.
4:20 pm on January 6th, 2010

i-as da la buza pana i-ar crapa….e freaky, dar as fute-o si pe ea si pe companioane ca un caine hamesit!
4:27 pm on January 6th, 2010

Interesant cum orice discutie ajunge la un moment dat la “as fute-o, n-as fute-o”. Si acum ca stim cine ar funte-o si cine nu putem trece sa comentam pe langa subiect la postul urmator ( cand va avea marele creator gratia sa-l scrie, daca nu a facut-o deja, ca mi-e lane si nu stiu sa descid doo taburi). e doar o constatare.
tzatza din berceni
5:14 pm on January 6th, 2010

pwahahahaha =)))) frate e tragic dar adevarul e ca 90% dintre femeile din romania sunt asa (ma refer la astea pana in 30 de ani, sau poate si dupa)

@marghioala: foarte tare =))) era sa cad de pe scaun de ras

6:10 pm on January 6th, 2010

ba s-ar putea sa fie varianta feminina a lui twoface din betmen :))). Observi ca ne arata doar obrazu stang. Poate pe partea cealalta are cine stie ce crengi crescute…
Altfel e o pitipoanca normala :)))
6:42 pm on January 6th, 2010

Ce corporatist esti Radule.. cati eurocenti ai primit sa-i faci putina reclama pitipoancei foarte futabile!? Sunt sute de mii de pizde prin tara asta si tu te-ai hotorat sa scrii tocmai despre ea?

8:03 pm on January 6th, 2010

Nu stiu de ce am inceput sa strand din cur cand i am vazut pozele lui asta.
8:22 pm on January 6th, 2010

Eu m-am speriat de maimuta din prima poza .
ostap bender
9:19 pm on January 6th, 2010

io’s ferm convins ca astea de plastic au un pizdoc de poti sa aplauzi intr-o veselie inauntru’.picioru de masa s-ar simti coplesit de agorafobie.buzele si imaginea e tot ce le mie nu-mi plac strugurii.
9:40 pm on January 6th, 2010

stai k intr-una a uitat sa-si deschida gura sexy si intr-una incearca sa zambeasca:))
oai,da’ cat incearca
10:11 pm on January 6th, 2010

are poza cu Kelly Rowland

Name (required)
10:32 pm on January 6th, 2010

mai dati-va-n pula mea de strambe ca toate va credeti matu´ curului. Si voi si alea din poze. Asa false cum sunt , cel putin au parte de pula. Mars la tras degete prin pizda intelectualelor. Si astia care zic ca nu le-ar fute pe stampilatele alea din poze sunt convins ca nu ati fi in stare sa le futeti nici pe astea de comenteaza aici. Si astea sunt prada sigura daca le spui ca ai citit Cioran si ca ai vrea sa vezi amurgul din bratele lor. Obositelor.
10:36 pm on January 6th, 2010

O noua specie se naste,pitipoanca-psiholoaga…pacat ca si facebookul, care pe vremuri era un site cat de cat decent, a ajuns asemeni HI5-ului,paradisul pitipoancelor si al cocalarilor…ca sa vedem si un aspect pozitiv,totusi pitipoancele se pricep de minune la supt.

11:52 am on January 7th, 2010

@aia care zic ca muierile alea au parte de pula: nici nu stiti cata dreptate s-ar putea sa aveti. care a mai fost prin italia stie. singurele femei din italia care arata asa sunt travestitii.
12:30 pm on January 7th, 2010

io’s mai prost si le-as fute. daca n’au boli venerice.
1:54 pm on January 7th, 2010

Radule, bea si tu 2-3 beri si mai scrie ceva. Daca nu bei, stiu ca nu-ti vine nici cheful si nici inspiratia. Hai noroc.

Pilat D'Amai-Bini Pilung
10:27 pm on January 7th, 2010

Mai, larapauvedenrode,

Ce VEI tu nu se poate. Ca multi au VUT si n-au putut. Asa-i, ca fara VOINTA nu se poate face nimic, dar si prea multa strica. Cadereaa consoanelor e in multe cazuri o chestie de optiune stilistica sau chiar de limbaj personal. Chiar daca ei nu-l VOIAU (pe Voda), el ii VOIA (pe boieri). Pentru ca pe lumea asta e si VOINTA, dar si vrere. Asta ca sa nu vorbim VUTE si NE-VUTE, la nesfarsit.

FHM Romania a publicat chiar 2 pagina cu si despre ea:

Cristina @ fhm Text: Nicoleta Lepadatu
Foto: Eugen Radut

Cristina Szeifert are 26 de ani si este din Timisoara. Este absolventa de psihologie si in prezent are propria ei afacere, un salon de infrumusetare care se bucura de un mare succes in orasul ei.

Nu ar putea renunta cu nici un chip la oamenii din jurul ei, la telefonul mobil si la oglinda. Timpul liber pe care il are si-l petrece cu prietenii, dar considera ca munca ei este foarte relaxanta si exact ceea ce si-a dorit sa faca, de aceea nu are nevoie de prea multa vreme pentru a se odihni.

Cristina este o fata ambitioasa, care obtine absolut orice isi propune, este rabdatoare, prietenoasa, calma si nu judeca pe nimeni, ii ia pe toti oamenii exact asa cum sunt. Defectele fizice, spune ca si le-a corectat, iar dintre celelalte crede ca incapatanarea este cel mai evident.

A calatorit foarte mult, in fiecare luna incearca sa mearga sa vada cate un loc nou, si cel mai mult pana acum i-a placut Italia.

Nu a tentat-o niciodata o cariera in TV, cu atat mai putin in Romania, deoarece este constienta ca frumu setea e trecatoare, de aceea pre fe rand sa-si exploateze inteligenta si celelalte resurse, dar daca ar face ceva de genul acesta, ar fi, evident, tot in Italia!

Ca modele de succes din Romania le considera pe Valentina Pelinel si pe Monica Barladeanu, iar dintre designeri crede ca cel mai important este Botezatu, pe care il cunoaste toata lumea.

O admira totusi foarte mult pe Aura Dumitru, o timisoreanca foarte talentata.

Ar mai fi cateva chestii de zis, dar deocamdata sa prezentam si celelalte specimene:


De ce URL-ul colegului Zamo? Fiindca tot la PiticiGratis am scris niste comentarii sub numele lui, si asta-i modul meu de a-l recompensa :)





We even have Paris Hilton:

Paris Hilton never changes


The Horror:


Sources / More info: putin-tshirt, pitici, fhm, altii, pose, evo—hipster, yt-same-pose


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 Darwin Awards

The Darwin website has published the results of the annual vote and accordingly gave out its prizes. As almost every year, there’s also a book: Chlorinating the Gene Pool.

Darwin's Beard The prizes are given each year to commemorate those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it:

DOUBLE DIP (2009 runner up - 7.4, 2074 votes)

For the first time ever, a woman--yes, a member of the safer sex--made it into the year's Top Darwin Awards Contenders! 2009 Antepenultimate Winner is the North Carolina woman who jumped into a swollen creek to rescue her drowning...moped.

On June 3, Greensboro was inundated and cars were stranded on flooded roads. Rosanne T., 50, hopped on her moped and drove the convenience store where she “possibly had a beer,”, according to her mother, to whom she said on the phone “my moped has two rubber wheels, Mom, I'll be fine”. Ms T had acquired her moped 2 years ago after a DUI conviction suspended her driving license. The roads were blocked, but she drove right past the Highway Patrol and road blocks then promptly fell into the creek. The officer rescued her, then she jumped again never to resurface. Her mother thought that it was the moped’s fault: "She loved that thing." (da)

DYING TO GO (2009 runner up - 7.8, 247 votes)

We've all been in his shoes, taking that fateful whiz at the side of the road. After all, "You don't buy beer, you just rent it." Wanting to take a leak while stuck in traffic, Shawn M. got out of the car on that fateful April 12, 2008 day near Pompano Beach, Fla. He then proceeded to jump over the low concrete wall and fell 65 feet to his death, as the car was idling on an overpass above the railroad. "Shawn didn't do a whole lot for a living. He got along on his charm, just like his father" explained his mother. Look before you leak! (da)

CRUSHING DEBT (2009 Darwin award winner - 7.7, 202 votes)

And the winner is... deceased! The city of Dinant, Belgium on September 26 is the backdrop for this rare Double Darwin Award involving two bank robbers attempting to make a sizeable withdrawal from an ATM. Overestimating the amount of dynamite needed, they actually demolished the bank building and perished in the event. In hindsight, a debit card would have been safer.(da)

PRIEST VISITS BOSS (2008 Darwin award winner)

Finally, we retroactively announce a new Darwin Award Winner from 2008, posted too late to earn that year's top spot. The most popular story of the year 2008, beloved by millions of fans, presenting the ludicrous case of the Balloon Priest, Adelir Antonio. He wanted to publicize his plan to build spiritual rest stops for truck drivers where no hookers are allowed so he tried to set a record for clustered balloon flight. Though he packed a survival suit, used a buoyant chair, had a satellite phone and GPS and could have parachuted while over land, he did not manage to set his record, as you have to survive in order to be considered. He could have parachuted while over land but didn’t. He eventually called the coast guard, but his cell phone died while he fiddled with the GPS unit. He probably did the same shortly thereafter. (da)


The actual votes and marks seem to be slightly different than the above:

Sparkleberry Lane 7.8 (297 votes) July 31, South Carolina

  • 23-y.o. James T. painted his face gold to rob a store. He died from pain toxicity.

Saw It Coming! 7.7 (2136 votes) June 27, New York (possible urban story)

  • Miecyskaw Mil, 64, angry over a power brownout, decided to cut a live powerline with his circular saw. Police and firefighters guarding it tried to stop him, but he “won”.

Tennessee Pee 7.7 (736 votes) mid-80s, Middle T State Univ

  • A young frat boy gained entry to an electrical installation and seeing a wasp nest hanging from a transformer, climbed on top of it and peed. (possible urban story)

Painkiller 7.6 (574 votes) October 26, 17 - Minnesota

  • Lucas William Stenning, 32, avoided registration –required for predatory offenders- by leaping from a moving vehicle and dying. He was trying to get hospitalized in order to get painkillers.

Trifecta Electra 7.4 (995 votes) October 12, Florida

  • A Palm Bay couple and their 15-y.o son were putting up a ham radio antenna one evening and hit a power line lurking on top.

She Talks Faster Than She Walks 7.3 (2313 votes) May 30, Louisiana

  • Tamera B, 22, claimed that he BF wasn’t driving fast enough, so she opened the door and stuck her foot out while the vehicle was on the highway at normal speed.

Wetting The Bed 6.5 (307 votes) October 27, Arkansas

  • Devan LeAnn, 31 decided to “float” on a swelling lake on a egg-crate style mattress which is non-buoyant, “vanishing from sight” shortly thereafter.

Fool's Gold 6.5 (566 votes) February 5, India

  • Pravin Kuse dreamed that a pot of gold is buried under his house, an abandoned 100-year-old building. He dug a 15 feet tunnel in a rather long time, which eventually caved in, burying him alive.

Race To The Bottooommm 6.2 (1578 votes) September 5, Oregon

  • Jake, 18, went down Saddle Mountain in a “controlled slide” down the cliff face. His body came to rest in a steep ravine 1000 feet below.

Missed (But Not Missed By) The Bus 6.2 (280 votes) August 13, Quebec

  • A 24-y.o. woman tried to flag down a bus she had just missed by jumping into a restricted area of a bus terminal. She did not succeed.

Collateral Damage 5.6 (2462 votes) April 30, York, UK

  • A 41-y.o. attempted to demolish a large brick garden and succombed to a cement slab.

Nutty Putty Cave 5.5 (385 votes)

  • Made of soft brown clay, this naturally formed thermal cave is 1400 feet long. John J., a veteran spelunker, went into a small cavity head-first and never came out, despite 137 trying to save him. He died after 27 painful hours.

Sources / More info:, amazon-darwin, yt-DA-puku, yt-DA-gnooble

Friday, January 1, 2010

Agua de Beber

The boyfriend arm pillow Made in Japan reminded me of a famous song, written by Jobim and made famous by Gertrud Alberto. Here it is in its original interpretation and various covers.

waterfall"Agua de Beber" ("Water to Drink") is a bossa nova jazz standard composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim, with lyrics written by Vinicius de Moraes. The English lyrics were written by Norman Gimbel.

The lyrics:

Eu quis amar 
mas tive medo 
E quis salvar
meu coração 

Mas o amor
sabe um segredo
O medo pode matar
o seu coração

R: Água de beber
Água de beber camará
Água de beber
Água de beber camará

Eu nunca fiz
coisa tão certa
Entrei pra escola
do perdão of forgiveness

A minha casa
viva aberta
Abri todas
do coração



I wanted to love
but I was afraid
I wanted to protect
my heart

But love
knows a secret
Fear is able to kill
your heart

R: Water to drink
Water to drink, my friend
Water to drink
Water to drink, my friend

I never did
a thing so certain
I entered the school
I opened all the doors

My house
lives open
as portas
of my heart


Sources / More info: water to drink, yt-agua-beber

Japanese Boyfriend Pillow

The latest news from crazy Japan is a Boyfriend pillow, targeting single women and their need for a partner to "cuddle up to".

Boyfriend Arm Pillow Made in Japan Japan is a land of wonders but also of rapid change and ensuing alienation. The marriage rate has dropped and the birth rate has plummeted. Sex toys are so advanced that many men report not being able to ejaculate in human vaginas any more.

Therefore, the launch of the “Boyfriend’s Arm Pillow” should not surprise, since women have unmet needs as well.

Shaped like a man's torso with one sturdy arm, has been on sale since December and has so far been snapped up by 1,000 singles. Manufacturer Kameo said the pillow's shape also keeps the body balanced. One woman, Junko Suzuki, told AP: "It makes me relaxed... I can hold the arm and feel something warm at my side". The pillow is only available in Japan, where it costs about 8,500 Yen (£40, $80), and is available in blue, pink or green. Ms Suzuki, who is separated from her husband, says the pillow has other advantages. "It keeps holding me all the way through. I think this is great because this does not betray me," she told AP.

% of unmarried Japanese womenChild rearing is a problem, as people work for too long:

Japanese Health Minister Hakuo Yanagisawa visited the city of Matsue to talk to party members about the falling birth rate. Arresting the decline would be difficult, he said, because "the number of birth-giving machines and devices is fixed". "All we can ask for is for them to do their best per head," he said.

Such comments are bound to create a stir. The following, however, are not:

According to a lifestyle survey in 2001, married men only spent about 30 minutes each day on household tasks or with their children. This is partly down to traditional attitudes - Japanese men tend not to cook, clean or change nappies. But another problem is a culture of long working hours, followed by compulsory after-work socialising. "My colleague's wife has just had a baby, but he has to work until 11 o'clock every night," said one Tokyo businessman. "He only ever sees the baby when it's asleep."

Dr Inoguchi says the government needs to spend more on helping young families. But she says there also needs to be social change so that both men and women have a better balance between work and family. And the population crisis is helping to highlight where the problems lie. "This very dramatic changing demography and the alarming view that we may not be able to sustain the greying of the population is now leading to - belatedly and reluctantly - the mainstreaming of gender issues," she said.

Have a cuddly new year! Hee heeYin Yang

Sources / More info: bbc-pillow, bbc-wed, bbc-confessions, bbc-births, bbc-demography, bbc-kyoto-geisha, bbc-osaka-homeless, yt-japan-tv