Saturday, April 30, 2011

cacat cu sange

Azi m-am cacat cu o substanta rosie care poate e sange. M-am gandit ca te intereseaza. Cooked to perfection, cum iti place, perversule!

Sigur, exista si explicatia alternativa ca intrigat de curul Lorenei, mi-am pus intrebarea cum arata cacatul Lorenei (constructie redundanta, stiu). Dar hai sa asumam ca m-am cacat eu cu sange, e mai personal asa si se naste si o oarecare conexie intre noi doi.

Cautand in Goagal semnificatia cacatului cu sange, am descoperit marturia unui pusti de 17 ani:

bloody-stoolI am 17 years old, relatively active (meaning I go to the gym 3-4 times a week), and more often than not I am strictly eating vegetables. Sometimes when I go to the bathroom, I feel a sharp pain and sometimes I find little traces of pink on the toilet paper. Starting this week, I noticed bright red blood in my stool. Not a whole lot, but just in one part of the poop. The minute I noticed it, I became very concerned that it could be colon cancer. But, I realize that this is one possibility among some others.

I told my mother about it and she told me to make sure I keep an eye on it and let her know. She thinks I may not be getting enough fiber, which I guess is also possible. I've noticed it for three days now and so I was wondering if you had any suggestions of what I should do. My best friend said it could be hemorrhoids, but it doesn't hurt for me to sit down at all. I'm really scared and so anything right now would help me.

Daca ai trecut prin asa ceva, probabil vrei sa vorbesti cu un doctor, care eu nu sunt. Chestia asta se cheama hematochezie si poate fi cauzata de mai multe chestii, cum ar fi hemoroizi sau Crohn. Asta-i si sfatul celor de la About:

You did the right thing in telling your mother and confiding in your best friend. Now, I'd say the best thing to do is to consult a doctor; this symptom should always be brought to the attention of a medical professional. I think it's great that you're surrounded by people you can comfortably talk to about this. Such open communication will serve you well in life. Best of luck to you!


Bine-ai facut ca i-ai spus ma-tii si prietenului tau cel mai bun. Acum consulta un doctor – asta-i o simptoma care trebuie intotdeauna adusa la cunostinta unui medic. E nemaipomenit ca poti vorbi cu altii despre cacatul tau. Daca cineva te-a violat in prealabil si asta-i nemaipomenit. Vorbeste cu un avocat care se specializeaza in violuri anale.

In cazul meu, cacatul era normal, dar undeva la mijloc era un pachetel de lichid rosu deschis care mirosea a Juicy Fruit. Asta m-a facut sa ma-ntreb daca Juicy Fruit e facut din cacat sau cacatul meu era rosu fiindca mancasem un pachet intreg de Juicy Fruit rosu.

Cica  daca-i rosu deschis, problema este cu colonul. Daca-i rosu inchis, problema e mai sus in tractul digestiv, fiindca bacteriile au avut timp sa descompuna sangele.

Cand am vrut sa ma sterg la cur, m-am sters. Apoi am descoperit ca hartia igienica era si ea plina de acelasi lichid rosu, ocazie cu care am confirmat mirosul de Juicy Fruit.

Eu inclin sa cred ca-i Juicy Fruit. Anumiti coloranti (in special cei rosii) sunt mai greu de descompus si ca urmare sunt excretati neschimbati – vezi si sfecla rosie.

Am gasit pe YouTube ca anumiti oameni, cum ar fi femeile, par a avea o biologie complet diferita: Blood In Stool, What Should A Woman Do?, Rectal Bleeding information, causes, symptoms and treatments. Vezi si occult blood, whose line 1, 2.

Cacare sanatoasa!

LE: E de retinut ca-n timp ce unii se lauda ca vor scrie despre cum se caca, noi ne cacam si scriem.

Sources / More info: about-sange, wiki-blood, up2d-rectal-bldng, mn-rec-bleeding

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