Friday, August 30, 2019

is Radu Alexandru aka piticigratis plagiarizing?

We recently stumbled upon what seems to be a clear case of plagiarism in the Romanian blogosphere in articles related to “the art of seduction” or whatever that means. We publish the texts and translate them so that you can decide for yourself.

Let’s start first with the newer text (pg-sed), which bears some resemblance to a text published back in 2010 (asz-essential).

It belongs to some guy named Radu Alexandru (translatable as Ramsay) and was published on his personal blog, Pitici Gratis. While reviewing a PUA/”seduction” book, the author explains that seduction is not a problem to solve.

“Știind absolut tot ce are rost să știe un om despre relațiile umane, mi-e greu să deschid o carte CARE N-ARE CUM SĂ-MI SPUNĂ NIMIC NOU. (..) Autorul încearcă să explice pe scurt ABSOLUT TOT despre sexualitatea umană, ceea ce face cartea și mai greoaie cumva. (..) O femeie nu e un joc pe calculator, un scenariu în care trebuie să bifezi 10 pași ca să ajungi la misterioasa și finala dodoașcă. Dacă o vezi ca pe o problemă pe care dacă o rezolvi, o fuți, o să mori onanist.” (pg-sed, 2019-08-27)

Google Translate, slight corrections: “Knowing absolutely everything a human being needs to know about human relationships, it is hard for me to open a book that HAS SOMETHING NEW to tell me. (..) The author tries to explain ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING about human sexuality, which makes the book even more difficult. (..) A woman is not a computer game, a scenario in which you have to tick 10 steps to reach the mysterious and final punani. If you see it as a problem that if you solve it, you fuck it, you will die a masturbator.”

The text above is written in what one might consider the “consistent” style of that blog’s author. The author has developed a written style that is somewhat direct and unambiguous, often using harsh words and similes, which is quite popular with his audience.

What seems to be the original text comes from a far less “trafficked” blog, where the author employs a far more vague and less accessible style, so much so that it has switched to English and the blog title is inspired by the German title of a book by Nietzsche. He also compares the eternal feminine mystery to an equation to be solved.

‘N-as putea scrie vreodata un tratat despre cum sa cuceresti femeile. (..) Nu ma mira ca PUAs – acei barbati care considera “eternul feminin” o ecuatie ce trebuie “rezolvata” - starnesc ura si oprobiul generalizat al femeilor, atunci cand ele se prind. Nu este mare branza sa-ntelegi ce-si doresc femeile, dar in clipa in care transformi jocul sexului in ceva gen Farmville, unde apesi butoane si urmaresti trasee ca sa-i “fertizilize crops”, devii un robot fara haz. E o cale ce duce la o viata seaca. Nu vei avea nimic de povestit la batranete nepotilor (in ipoteza ca vei ajunge vreodata acolo) pentru simplul motiv ca toate povestile tale vor fi la fel. Pe de alta parte, pentru acei “barbati” care nu prea sunt “barbati”, asa ceva i-ar putea plasa pe drumul care duce catre a fi barbat.’ (asz-essential, 2010-01-28)

or, in English, ‘I could never write a treatise on how to conquer women. (..) It does not surprise me that PUAs - those men who consider the "eternal feminine" an equation to be "solved" - arouse the hatred and widespread condemnation of women, whenever they catch on. It's not great cheese to understand what women want, but the moment you turn sex play into something like Farmville, where you push buttons and follow paths to "fertilize crops", you become a boring robot. It's a path that leads to a dry life. You will not have anything to tell your grandchildren in the your twilight years (assuming you will ever get there) for the simple reason that all your stories will be the same. On the other hand, for those "men" who are not very "men", this could put them on the path that leads to being a man.’

But maybe that comparison has been made before, or maybe it’s just not all that original. What do you think?

Sources / More info: pg-sed, asz-essential

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