Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weird celeb-war between Pamela & Jessica

Jessica Simpson has recently worn a T-shirt with the words “Real Girls Eat Meat” and all hell broke loose for her.

I think she is a b***h. Actually, I don’t know if she was talking about food or men.

Pamela Anderson vs Jessica Simpson That’s surprising..Pamela Anderson gained notoriety with a large audience on the Internet with a video showing her eating her husband’s meat. She is also known for having propositioned a number of other men (such as Lenny Kravitz) to partake with her in similar endeavours. Most have not answered publicly. Of all people, she should know best!

Jessica Simpson’s meaty wardrobe malfunction makes us thankful that no one is looking to her for food advice. Chicken of the sea anyone? The woman who thought that Buffalo ‘Wings’ came from buffalos would benefit from some good veggie brain food.

While not entirely baseless nor lacking humour, this virulent attack from a group (PETA) based on love and humane feelings is quite disturbing. Via


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