Saturday, June 30, 2012

Coincidente din Sclavie

I noticed, as I usually do, a few coincidences in slavery, so I hurry to share them with you. To read the translation, hover with your mouse.

RaduA: Hai la mare / Unknown: sa ma lasi cu ochii in soare si sa pleci cu alta? / RaduA: da' ce, n-ai ochelari de soare?Un tovaras intru sogorie publica recent poza alaturata.

Este sezonul cand pasarelele incapabile de a avea o relatie, cele al caror suflet este prea parjolit si pustiit de rautate, egoism, avaritie si mercantilism incep sa inteleaga ca frumusetea fizica nu este suficienta pentru a tine un barbat aproape, ca santajul cu sinuciderea nici atat si ca sexul ar avea sanse, dar numai temporar si numai daca se pricep. Ceea ce rareori e cazul.

But let’s start with the NIN’s ‘Happiness In Slavery’ lyrics.

slave screams he thinks he knows what he wants
slave screams thinks he has something to say
slave screams he hears but doesn't want to listen
slave screams he's being beat into submission

don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
the devils of truth steal the souls of the free
don't open your eyes take it from me
I have found
you can find
happiness in slavery

slave screams he spends his life learning conformity
slave screams he claims he has his own identity
slave screams he's going to cause the system to fall
slave screams but he's glad to be chained to that wall

don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
the blind have been blessed with security
don't open your eyes take it from me
I have found
you can find
happiness in slavery

I don't know what I am I don't know where I've been
human junk just words and so much skin
stick my hands through the cage of this endless routine
just some flesh caught in this big broken machine

Life is, however, far better than a song.

@puttycat: so many holiday ideas, absolutely no one to go with

It’s a tough world out there.. What’s a li’l pitzy to do?

@nashu: schimbat avatarul, asa ca o sa o las mai moale cu ochiu maro. Te fac un 3some? / @puttycat: ..ti-am spus ca sper sa nu ating vreodata nivelul ala de degradare emotionala / @nashu: Eu nadajduiesc ca pana la urma o vei face. Daca nu acum, atunci cand? Daca nu cu mine, atunci cu cine? :D

I think @nashu is giving her a chance to shine and to fulfill her deepest desires. Maybe 3 is too low, but you need some experience before tha next level..

@puttycat: cred ca imi voi face postere din pozele astea:

Good point! There are some similarities, but not so much in looks – mostly in behaviour.

@puttycat: eh. niciodata n-o sa ma plang de prea multa atentie :p

I wonder.. Isn’t there a way to make everyone happy? Help this personality-challenged recently-dumped person while bridging the gap to her “romales” role-models. Here’s what I was able to come up with in 20 minutes or so:

mj-puttycat-sat puttycat
605506156 mj-puttycat-bw

Who could it be now (Men at Work)?

MJ didn’t die. MJ lives on in puttycat.

Sources / More info: pg

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