Sunday, August 8, 2010

Julia Roberts is now Hindu

Julia Roberts was so smitten with Hinduism during the filming of her new movie Eat Pray Love in India, that she returned home a Hindu.

Her character in the movie, an adaptation of the Elizabeth Gilbert’s travel memoir, she travels to India as part of a spiritual pilgrimage to learn about some aspects of Indian culture, such as yoga, meditation and life in an ashram.

Julia Roberts in ElleThough Christian (with Baptist and Catholic parents), she reached her own Nirvana during the shoot. She tells Elle:

I'm definitely a practising Hindu. (..) Golly, I've been so spoiled with my friends and family in this life. Next time I want to be just something quiet and supporting

Talking about her husband Danny Moder and their children, she said “How lucky we are that we love each other so much that we burst into three pieces.” The Oscar winning actress is also very modest about her acting skills:

I have no acting technique. And there’s nothing more boring than actors sitting around talking about acting.

Still, she discusses her work:

I’m always asking those guys to tell me what they want. The same with George Clooney. ‘Name it for me,’ I tell him, ‘and I’ll do it.’

As for Botox, she’ll have none of it:

Your face tells a story… and it shouldn’t be a story about your drive to the doctor’s office.

I won’t be missing her movie!

Sources / More info: elle-jr, wiki-jr, wiki-hindu, yt-jr

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